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Whether in the world of „high culture“ or in „commercial“ show business, I want to help transform the use of circus arts from being just an entertaining effect towards becoming a means of artistic expression.

Some of the most touching, intense and inspiring moments in my life where moments spent watching a show. I am deeply grateful to have gotten into a position, where I can help trying to make possible such moments for others. Sometimes through performing, but more and more by creating shows.
This is my passion. This is what I love doing. And that is why I love to work.
I just have to do it, whether the resulting shows are good or not, whether anybody likes them or not, wether they become a success or not.
I don´t think that it is the most valuable thing to do for the world. I think it´s something nobody needs, but everybody loves. But then, where would we be without things that inspire us, that we can appreciate, that touch us deeply even though they are not „real“, sometimes even deeper than „ reality“. But even if my work fails to do that: if, by being sensitive to and following through on my calling, I can inspire one person… at least that would be useful.

I have not studied at a renowned university, nor have I won prizes or had famous teachers. But I have used every opportunity to soak up as much as I could, whenever I had the honor to work with a wise man or woman. Better known names among those were directors Deborah Warner and Renaud Doucet. I guess it´s fair to say I am an autodidact.
I regard it a strength, that through my unique path I have obtained a mix of great naiveté in education on the one hand and great experience in practical show business on the other hand. I had the pleasure to work in very diverse productions, ranging from opera to corporate event, in very diverse roles, ranging from performer to producer.

Opera Work

I want to do a lot more opera work. My thesis is, that in the world of opera and musical theatre a lot of different languages are used, but one is missing. The opera uses the languages of music, theatre, art and dance, combined and individually, to strongly express whatever it is the production wants to express. The language of circus arts though, if used at all, is reduced to serving as a spectacular effect but not as a means for artistic expression. And on the rare occasion that it is, there seems to be a fear of looking too commercial, if the skills of the artists were really being used to their full potential. Or maybe there is just nobody involved, who knows the full potential and how it can be used to help make a statement.
I want to be that person and help push forward the use of the powerful and diverse vocabulary of my mother tongue in the world of opera and musical theatre.

Live Performance

In a world dominated by visual entertainment via a plethora of media, a lot of people seem to think that live performance is getting compartmentalized. I believe this observation to be inaccurate. I think live performance is even more important in bespoke world, especially if it focuses on what is not possible to deliver via a screen.
Some big producers go the direction of delivering an almost cinematic experience. I think this is a dangerous path to take. Here you quickly find spectators asking themselves if there is an even better experience to be had at a cheaper price point via a video. So yes, in this case live performance kind of compartmentalizes it self.
So I think it´s important to have a very direct and authentic communication with the audience. Absorb them into the performance and, at the same time, give them space to make their own sense of what they see and let them draw their own conclusions, relevant to their lives.

Robin Witt
Robin Witt

Random References:

Spectacle Spaces (Ensemble Modern, Frankfurt Opera)

Dido and Aeneas (Wiener Festwochen)


Vienna State Opera

Austrian Olympic Committee

Norwegian Cruise Line

Le Plus Grand Cabaret Du Monde (TV5, France2)

GOP Variety Theaters